01.08 Sunflowers
A theorem painting using watercolour on velvet by an unknown artist, dating from the late nineteenth century. Unsigned. Framed. 41 cm high by 38 cm wide.
This is the second theorem painting bought from Julie Collino in November 2001. See also 01.07 - Feathers. They were often painted on velvet, which was much denser than today's velvet cloth, in order togive the painting a softness in appearance. Thick watercolors were used. Theorems were also done on paper, cotton, and other cloth. The final product was usually finished off with hand painting of details like grapevines, or stems. Is it a coincidence that Van Gogh painted his Sunflowers in the 1880’s?
Una pintura de teoremas con acuarela sobre terciopelo, de autor desconocido, que data de finales del siglo XIX. Está sin firmar y enmarcada. Mide 41 cm de alto por 38 cm de ancho.
Esta es la segunda pintura de teoremas comprada a Julie Collino en noviembre de 2001. Ver también 01.07 - Plumas. A menudo se pintaban sobre terciopelo, que era mucho más denso que la tela de terciopelo actual, para darle a la pintura una apariencia suave. Se utilizaron acuarelas gruesas. También se hacían teoremas en papel, algodón y otras telas. El producto final generalmente se remataba con detalles de vides o tallos, realizados a mano. ¿Es una coincidencia que Van Gogh pintara sus Girasoles en la década de 1880?