76.04 Epsom Downs
Catalogue number 75.04 (74 cm wide by 74 cm high), oils on canvas, Framed.
This painting was bought at the Thackeray Gallery in London in 1976. Susan Hawker writes on her website as follows:- ‘Paintings of landscapes seem to be about places out there in the real world, about locations the artist has visited and sketched. In contrast, throughout a long career as a landscape painter my interests have always focused on the poetic transformation of the rural environment, not its illustration. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1974 I have continually produced pictures in Northumberland, Oxfordshire and the Ardèche of region France but always ended up depicting landscapes that seem so ethereal and mysterious it would surely be impossible to actually locate them in the English or French countryside. This nonrepresentational dimension of my work owes a great deal to the abstracted light and space in the late works of Paul Cezanne but my dreamlike groves of trees and riverbanks have nothing of his timeless vision. The mood is entirely different. I inhabit the places I paint tentatively, with less certainty about the sustainability of our environment.’
Epsom Downs, óleo sobre lienzo pintando en 1976 por Susan Hawker. 74 cm ancho x 74 cm alto. Enmarcado.
“Este pintura fue comprada en la Thackeray Gallery de Londres en 1976. Susan Hawker escribe en su web lo siguiente: “Las pinturas de paisajes suelen ser sobre lugares en el mundo real, lugares que el artista ha visitadoy esbozado. Por el contrario, a lo largo de una larga Carrera entornal rural, no en su ilustracion.Desde que mi gradué d en el Royal College of Art en 1974, he pintado continuamente escenas de Northumberland, Oxfordshire y la region de Ardèche en Francia, pero siempre terminaba representando paisajes que paracen tan etéreos y misteriosos que seguramente sería imposible localizalos en una campo inglés o francés. Esta dimension no representacional de mi trabajo le debe mucho a la luz y al espacio abstractos de las últimas obras de Paul Cezanne, pero mis arbolidas de ensueño y las riberas de los ríos no contienen nada de su vision intemporal. El estado de ánimo es completamente diferente. Habito los lugares que intent pintar, con menos certeza sobre la sostenibilidad de nuestro medio ambiente”.